Our Gardens ...
Directly adjacent to the Museum and ramada are the "garden" areas. We feature a lateral garden which is along the fence as well as a "pueblo" waffle garden.
The garden beds have been awakened and the volunteers have been planting, watering, mulching, watering and watering some more while waiting on the Monsoon Season.
We refurbished the seed collection from previous years' harvest and many seeds can be taken to your very own garden for planting.
We are still looking for a volunteer Garden Manager and always other folks to help us with planting, weeding and watering through the 2024 season. Please email us at:
if you are interested in assisting us in any way during the 2024 calendar year. Even though the museum keeps seasonal hours (Now open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 10 am - 2 pm) the garden has needs that start early and run late. Won't you join us?
When the museum is closed during the winter, the garden "staff" uses the time in all kinds of ways--from planning to maintaining tools and more.
The museum offers tours by appintment (weather permitting). The garden is a little less picky about weather and you can stop by on any casual visit to the self-guided trail.
Please call the Sandia District Ranger Station (505.281.3304) on weekdays between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm for information or to schedule a tour.
Early in the season the waffle garden awaits planting.